- Articles
- Irrigation Technology in the Lower Indus Valley: A Peep into the Past, Dr. N. A. Baloch
- Kai-ke-Nan: The Gateway of Islam in the Subcontinent, Brig. M. Usman Hasan
- Multan under the Rule of the Langahs, Dr. Ahmad Nabi Khan
- The Financial Dimension of Inter League Relationship, Dr. Muhammad Yusuf Abbasi
- Islamic Monuments of Kalhora Period in Sind, Ali Mohammad Khan Lundkhawar
- Tradition, Education and Progress, Dr. N. A. Baloch
- The Britain in Malaya: A Study of Colonial Administration in Perak from 1875 to 1895, Muhammad Saleem Ahmad
- Review: The Pahari School of Painting, Dr. Ahmad Nabi Khan
مجلہ تاریخ و ثقافت و ثقافت پاکستان،جلد3،شمارہ2،جولائی – دسمبر 1982ء